
7 UX Trends in 2024: How AI Is Transforming Digital Products

15 min
Yuriy Mykhasyak
Yuriy Mykhasyak
18 Apr 2024
7 UX Trends in 2024: How AI Is Transforming Digital Products Cieden

In an era where the pace of technological innovation is breathtakingly swift, staying ahead isn't just about keeping pace—it's about setting the pace. For product builders, this means not just adapting to new trends but shaping them. In today’s exploration, we delve into seven AI-driven trends that are not only reshaping the digital landscape but are redefining how we interact with technology itself. From user interfaces to core interactions with digital products, let’s uncover the future of digital design.

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7 UX Trends in 2024: How AI Is Transforming Digital Products Cieden

1. Conversational user interfaces

7 UX Trends in 2024: How AI Is Transforming Digital Products Cieden

Imagine a world where your digital devices don’t just respond to commands but engage in meaningful conversations. This is no longer a scene from science fiction; it’s the reality we’re stepping into thanks to advancements in Conversational User Interfaces (CUIs).

Why conversational interfaces matter

CUIs represent a significant shift from traditional, graphical user interfaces (GUIs) to systems that understand and mimic human conversation. Powered by breakthroughs in Natural Language Processing (NLP), these interfaces offer a more intuitive and human-centric way to interact with technology. Whether it's a smartphone, a home assistant, or sophisticated enterprise software, CUIs are set to revolutionize the user experience by making interactions more natural and fluid.

The role of NLP in enhancing CUIs
7 UX Trends in 2024: How AI Is Transforming Digital Products Cieden

Thanks to advancements in natural language processing (NLP), devices can now understand and manipulate human language, enabling interactions that are more intuitive than ever.

7 UX Trends in 2024: How AI Is Transforming Digital Products Cieden

These developments are what make tools like ChatGPT possible, enabling more natural and intuitive user interactions, beyond traditional click-based interfaces.

Dive deeper into CUI

For digital product designers and developers, understanding the three core capabilities of CUIs is crucial:

  • Informational. These interfaces can fetch and provide data in response to user queries, functioning similarly to a search engine but in a conversational manner.
  • Transactional. Beyond providing information, they can assist users in completing tasks such as booking tickets, scheduling appointments, or making purchases directly through dialogue.
  • Generative. Perhaps the most advanced, these systems can create content on the fly, from drafting emails to generating reports based on the parameters defined by the user.

For those interested in a deeper dive into leveraging NLP and LLMs (Large Language Models) for enhancing user experience, we recommend an insightful Google video. It covers advanced uses of conversational AI, including auto-completion, information retrieval, sentiment analysis, and intent detection, providing practical insights into how these technologies can be harnessed to build more effective and intuitive user interfaces.

7 UX Trends in 2024: How AI Is Transforming Digital Products Cieden

Staying ahead with CUI

For startups and enterprises alike, integrating CUIs into your digital products means not just following a trend but leading in a competitive market. The key to success lies in understanding how to leverage these interfaces to enhance user experience significantly. From reducing the learning curve associated with new software to creating more engaging and interactive digital environments, CUIs offer a broad spectrum of advantages.

2. Multimodal interactions

Conversational interfaces have opened up a fascinating world where technology doesn't just process commands—it interacts in a way that feels human. But as we push the boundaries of what's possible, we're entering an era of multimodal interactions where technology isn't just listening and speaking; it's becoming an adept, multi-sensory partner.

The evolution of voice recognition

7 UX Trends in 2024: How AI Is Transforming Digital Products Cieden

Remember the times when asking Siri for something as simple as the weather could lead to unexpected results? Those days are becoming increasingly rare thanks to advancements in voice recognition technologies like OpenAI’s Whisper. 

This tool has significantly improved how devices understand us, handling multiple languages and drastically reducing errors caused by accents or background noise. The impact? A smoother, more reliable interaction that feels natural and effortless.

Moreover, computers aren't just mastering the ability to respond and act like humans. This was shown in one of our experiments, where we asked GPT to act like a McDonald’s sales manager and take our order.

7 UX Trends in 2024: How AI Is Transforming Digital Products Cieden

Testing ChatCPT as a McDonald`s cashier

Experiencing technology that understands more than words

Our digital tools are now capable of more than just voice commands; they can adapt to our tones, recognize our emotional states, and even respond in kind. Imagine interacting with an AI that not only understands what you say but how you feel when you say it. This level of empathy in technology is not just impressive; it's transforming how we think about and interact with our devices.

Let's take a scenario where you need to create a website. You describe what you need to GPT, and it generates the code. You paste this into an editor and take a screenshot. Not only can GPT check the screenshot for errors, but it can also suggest optimizations, making iterative improvements without further input from you.

Picture this: AI that sees and improves

Imagine telling an AI exactly what you need in an image. It generates this for you, and then, upon your request, reviews the image to suggest unique enhancements. The AI doesn’t stop there; it can even transform these images into animated GIFs, handling everything from the design to the execution.

Bringing it all together

These examples aren't just about showing off what AI can do; they're about demonstrating a future where our interaction with technology is seamless. This is where our interfaces will truly flow, becoming proactive digital assistants that not only know you but learn from each interaction, getting sharper and more helpful along the way.

7 UX Trends in 2024: How AI Is Transforming Digital Products Cieden

Whether you're typing, touching, speaking, or even thinking, AI is ready to respond in the most fitting way. This isn't just about convenience—it's about creating a more inclusive digital world where technology adapts to our needs, not the other way around.

7 UX Trends in 2024: How AI Is Transforming Digital Products Cieden

Looking ahead: the frontier of neural interfaces

While voice and visual interactions are becoming more sophisticated, the horizon holds even more promise with the development of neural interfaces. Companies like Synchron are pioneering ways to interact with technology through thought alone.

Synchron's brain-computer interface, the Stentrode™, is revolutionizing how people with severe paralysis interact with technology. Implanted through a simple procedure, the Stentrode™ has shown it can safely enable users to control digital devices just by thinking. Detailed in the SWITCH study published in JAMA Neurology, this device helps patients perform daily tasks like emailing and shopping online without physical movement. As Synchron advances this technology through ongoing trials, their work is set to significantly enhance independence and redefine interactions between humans and computers.

3. Collaborative user experience

The evolution of user experience (UX) with the integration of AI is dramatically reshaping how we interact with digital tools. Before AI 'copilots,' our interactions with applications were straightforward and predictable, with specific inputs leading to expected outcomes. Today, AI is transforming these interactions into dynamic, personalized journeys, turning everyday tools into proactive partners in our digital tasks.

Beyond basic functions

Take Microsoft's suite for example—Word, Outlook, and Excel. These applications have evolved far beyond their original functions of text editing and spreadsheet management. With the introduction of AI features like real-time collaboration in Word and Outlook, these tools enhance your writing and streamline communication as if you had an assistant editing alongside you.

Anticipatory design

Excel's 'Ideas' feature signals a shift towards anticipatory design, as the tool suggests actionable insights, identifies trends, and offers visualizations without requiring users to delve into the data themselves. And it is just the beginning of what anticipatory design can offer.

Traditionally, delving into Excel involved a steep learning curve, requiring users to master complex formulas and data manipulation techniques. However, the 'Ideas' feature simplifies this process remarkably. By analyzing the data you're working with, it automatically suggests actionable insights, identifies trends, and even creates visualizations. This means that even users with minimal data analysis skills can make informed decisions quickly and efficiently.

When you load your data into Excel, the 'Ideas' feature scans it and uses algorithms to detect patterns and anomalies. It might suggest formatting changes that make your data easier to understand or highlight trends that could be important for your analysis. For instance, if you're looking at sales data, 'Ideas' might highlight a sudden spike in a particular product's sales or an unexpected dip during a specific period.

And with AI, like Copilot, integrated into these tools, we're witnessing a fundamental change -  tools are evolving into proactive assistants for users. This evolution signifies a future where AI plays a central role in shaping UX.


Initially, we’ll have numerous independent agents specializing in specific tasks.  However, the ultimate vision is a world where, to create a new app or service, you simply articulate your desires to your agent, and it crafts the application for you.

Real-world applications today

A glimpse into this future is already visible with innovations like HyperWrite’s AI agent, which can interact with web interfaces seamlessly.

Demonstrated by CEO Matt Shumer, this technology enabled a smooth online order from Domino's Pizza via a Chrome extension.

Such AI agents are designed to "understand" web layouts, interpret instructions, and even recover from errors autonomously.

7 UX Trends in 2024: How AI Is Transforming Digital Products Cieden

They can interact with thousands of apps through APIs like Zapier, managing tasks that range from sending emails to updating CRM systems—all through conversational interfaces like ChatGPT.

This approach indicates the crucial thing for the designers: intent-based outcome specification. Where users state what they want without specifying how to get there.

7 UX Trends in 2024: How AI Is Transforming Digital Products Cieden

It's a complete departure from traditional command-based design, transforming the dynamics of user interaction.

4. Superapps

In the digital product landscape, a profound shift is occurring. Traditional apps, once designed for single, specific tasks, are transforming into "superapps" — complex ecosystems that consolidate multiple services under one unified platform.

7 UX Trends in 2024: How AI Is Transforming Digital Products Cieden

This evolution is being driven by the integration of AI's conversational and multimodal capabilities, which are enabling startups to create more versatile and comprehensive applications.

The rise of the superapps

A superapp functions as a multi-service platform, offering a wide range of functionalities from a single application. This concept is epitomized by companies like Careem, the Uber-owned "everything app" tailored to the needs of its regional users.

Careem has expanded beyond its initial ride-sharing service to include food and grocery delivery, payment processing, and more, all within one app. It employs AI to enhance user and driver safety with facial recognition technology and to improve service reliability with AI-driven predictions of arrival times, considering variables like local weather and prayer schedules.

The expanding scope of services

Similarly, the Natural AI app, powered by NaturalOS, is setting a precedent for how versatile a superapp can be. It offers an array of services ranging from grocery shopping to travel booking, showcasing the potential of AI to streamline and enhance user experiences across different sectors. This all-in-one approach not only simplifies the user experience but also enhances engagement by keeping users within the app’s ecosystem for a variety of needs.

The concept of superapps is further extended with tools like ChatGPT, especially when integrated with platforms such as Zapier. This combination allows ChatGPT to perform actions across more than 6,000 different apps by simply processing user commands. This level of integration exemplifies how superapps can act as central hubs for personal or professional digital interactions, substantially increasing efficiency and reducing the complexity of managing multiple apps.

The company formerly known as Twitter is also venturing into the superapp arena with plans to transform its platform, X, into a comprehensive digital ecosystem. Such initiatives highlight the trend towards platforms that are not just service providers but central nodes in the users’ digital lives.

For UX/UI designers, the implications are clear: our craft is evolving from designing individual apps to architecting ecosystems.

5. Interactive data visualization

The landscape of data visualization is undergoing a dramatic transformation, driven by advances in artificial intelligence. It’s no longer just about displaying information; modern systems are designed to curate and elucidate data according to specific user needs and preferences. This evolution is significantly changing how users interact with reporting tools and dashboards.

From static to dynamic visualization

Traditionally, dashboards and reports were static, requiring users to sift through data to extract insights manually. Now, with AI integration, these tools are becoming more dynamic and interactive. Users can now design custom reports and dashboards using natural language, and AI enhances this process by offering insights and actionable recommendations.

This shift means every user can effectively have a personal business analyst and consultant at their disposal, dramatically improving the efficiency and effectiveness of data-driven decision-making.

Enhanced сapabilities with AI

Leveraging environments like Python, AI technologies such as Data Analytics Chat GPT have emerged as powerful tools for business analytics.

7 UX Trends in 2024: How AI Is Transforming Digital Products Cieden

This AI capability extends beyond mere data visualization; it can clean, analyze, manipulate, and visualize complex data sets swiftly. More importantly, it educates users with guiding insights that are straightforward and actionable. This is akin to having a dedicated BI developer and business consultant for each user, tailored to their specific informational needs.

Pioneering platforms in AI-driven visualization

Platforms like Databox are pushing the boundaries beyond traditional dashboarding by providing predictive insights that forecast future trends based on current data.

7 UX Trends in 2024: How AI Is Transforming Digital Products Cieden

Similarly, Power BI has introduced features like Q&A, Quick Insights, and Key Influencer visuals, which allow users to interact with data more naturally and intuitively.

7 UX Trends in 2024: How AI Is Transforming Digital Products Cieden

These tools don’t just display data; they engage users in a dialogue about the data, enhancing understanding and driving informed action.

And by the way, we tried to conceptualize these and many more AI patterns in our AI features series, welcome to check it.

7 UX Trends in 2024: How AI Is Transforming Digital Products Cieden

Transforming UX design in data visualization

The role of UX design in this new era is evolving from simply designing interfaces to anticipating a broader range of user interactions and ensuring that insights are not only accessible but also contextual and actionable. This anticipatory approach in UX design helps ensure that insights derived from data are immediately useful and relevant, enhancing decision-making processes across business functions.

6. Dynamic hyper-personalization

The concept of personalization in user experience (UX) design is undergoing a revolutionary transformation thanks to advancements in AI technology. Gone are the days of manual customization that required user intervention; now, dynamic hyper-personalization is paving the way for experiences that are not just tailored to broad demographic segments but are intricately customized to each individual user.

7 UX Trends in 2024: How AI Is Transforming Digital Products Cieden

Beyond basic customization

Traditional customization allowed users to choose from preset options like dark or light modes. However, AI-driven hyper-personalization takes this a step further by enabling the user interface to adapt in real time to a user's specific behaviors and needs. This means that the UI itself can evolve based on how the user interacts with it, potentially changing layouts, functionalities, or aesthetics to better suit individual preferences at any given moment.

This level of personalization is akin to the transformation that spreadsheets brought to business decades ago, offering unprecedented flexibility and efficiency. With AI, apps can now provide personalized and optimized user interfaces for every task, adapting to each user’s unique context and requirements. This was once a prohibitively expensive and complex endeavor, but AI has made it feasible and increasingly accessible

For UX designers, this shift signifies a need to adeptly handle large arrays of data and understand individual behavioral nuances deeply. The interface must not only display content but also learn from interactions to continually refine and optimize the user experience.

Generative AI and continuous A/B testing

Moreover, generative AI is enabling a new form of dynamic A/B testing, where design elements are not static but are constantly evaluated and adjusted based on real-time user interactions. This continuous loop of testing and adaptation helps create interfaces that are not only highly personalized but also perpetually optimized for engagement and effectiveness.

For designers, dynamic hyper-personalization means creating systems robust enough to manage and adapt to an incredible variety of user preferences and patterns. This requires not only technical skill in implementing AI solutions but also a nuanced understanding of human behavior and design psychology. 

7. The rise of low-code apps

The development landscape is undergoing a seismic shift with the advent of low-code platforms, which are redefining how applications are built. 

These platforms provide user-friendly templates and intuitive drag-and-drop interfaces that simplify the creation process, significantly reducing the need for extensive coding expertise.

Bridging design and development

Low-code tools are bridging the gap between design and development, merging the conceptual phase with creation. This integration allows designers and developers to work more collaboratively and efficiently, transforming ideas into functional prototypes or products with unprecedented speed. 

The result is a streamlined workflow that accelerates prototyping, testing, and deployment, empowering teams to iterate and innovate faster than ever before.

Tools transforming the landscape

One standout example of this transformative technology is the Figma plugin 'Buzzy' by PitchGround. This tool enables designers to convert Figma designs directly into functional minimum viable products (MVPs) or interactive prototypes without ever leaving the design environment. This not only speeds up the development process but also enhances the fidelity of the final product to the original design vision.

Similarly, 'FlutterFlow AI Gen' leverages AI to take design automation a step further.

It not only assists in crafting the app's design but also generates the underlying code, effectively reducing the development cycle and lowering the barrier for creating complex applications.

Perhaps the most ambitious of these tools is 'Imagica AI', powered by NaturalOS. Imagica AI announces a groundbreaking capability where applications can be built directly from diverse user inputs such as text, images, videos, and 3D models.

This capability could potentially eliminate traditional development stages, enabling a direct path from concept to creation. This tool represents a leap toward true end-to-end automation in app development, where the technology itself can interpret creative inputs and transform them into fully functional applications.

We want to hear from you!

What are your thoughts on the trends we discussed today? Do you share our vision? How long do you think it will be until we have our personal Jarvis-like assistants? At Cieden, we believe that it won't be long before independent agents can assist us with virtually any activity across all areas of life. These agents will redefine how we use software and how it's developed, serving as the new platforms upon which future apps and services are built—much like Android, iOS, and Windows today.

These agents are poised to transform search engines by finding and summarizing information more efficiently, replace many e-commerce sites by sourcing products at the best prices, and even eliminate the need for traditional productivity apps. Instead of juggling multiple apps for different tasks, you'll simply communicate your needs in everyday language, and your device will handle the rest.

Conclusion: shaping the future of user experience together

If you've read this far, you're likely as excited about the future of user experience as we are at Cieden. The potential for AI to transform every aspect of how we interact with digital products is vast and ever-expanding. If you're inspired to build a disruptive AI-based app or want to integrate innovative AI features into your existing applications, we're here to help. Drop us a line, and perhaps we can collaborate to turn your visionary ideas into reality.

7 UX Trends in 2024: How AI Is Transforming Digital Products Cieden

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